The Future of Lafferty Ranch --
and How You Can Influence It

Contemplative hiker enjoying the view from Laffety; photo by Bruce Hagen See the Upcoming Events page of the Friends of Lafferty Park website for information on public meetings and other ways to get involved.

Contact the grass-roots group Citizens for Lafferty Ranch and a Regional Park to find out how you can influence what happens to Lafferty in the future. Letters to the editor of local newspapers, including the Petaluma Argus Courier, the Santa Rosa Press Democrat, and the Bohemian (formerly the Sonoma County Independent), are always a good idea, as well.

We have started an e-mail alert list through to notify interested members of the public of important developments related to opening Lafferty Ranch park, and to occasionally request support actions, such as letters or attendance at public meetings. Use the form on this site's home page to join the LaffertyFriends email list for occasional updates and notification of upcoming events.

Related County Actions

Sonoma County is (apparently) in the final stretch of preparing an Outdoor Recreation Plan, a process which has taken several years. This plan will impact Lafferty Ranch indirectly, and sometimes directly.

For upcoming public meetings and background information on important planning processes and documents, refer to the action page of the Coalition for the Outdoor Recreation Plan (CORP).

Call Sonoma County Regional Parks, at (707) 527-2041 to get on the County's mailing list for outdoor recreation issues. And keep an eye on this space for this and similar announcements.

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