Summary of Lafferty Park Positions of
Petaluma's Candidates for Public Office,
Fall 2002

The following table summarizes the public statements and actions of the candidates for public office in Petaluma in this election. Sources of quotes is the Argus Courier's candidate questionnaire, where the candidates respond, in the context of parks generally, to the question, "What should the city do about Lafferty Ranch?" To see candidates' positions on other issues, refer to

For more detail on public actions and quotes, refer to the Argus-Courier and Press Democrat newspaper archives and this website's chronology page.

Candidates are presented in alphabetical order by last name.

Running for Mayor of Petaluma

Candidate Response to Argus Courier question, "What should the city do abouut Lafferty Ranch?" Public Actions
David Glass "Most of Petaluma's expense as well as its ability to pay is probably behind us. Does that mean the park is a dead issue. No. It means we need leadership that delivers for Petaluma. The park will probably not be open until the majority of the Board of Supervisors recognizes the benefit of the Park and allocates funding from the Open Space District. As Mayor I will provide public leadership in instituting this strategy.

"If the Open Space District continues to be ineffective and continues to be perceived as an entity designed to pass public money to 'friends' the voters probably will not renew the tax when it next comes up. It would behoove the Supervisors to get ahead of the curve on this issue. Otherwise either the Supervisors or the tax will go. I don't think the Supes will risk their jobs by continuing to be unresponsive to the needs of the second largest city in the county."

In 2001, joined (and led as chair) at least two unanimous Planning Commission votes in favor of concluding the EIR and proceding with the Lafferty Park project.
Clark Thompson (incumbent) "There is no money budgeted for Lafferty Ranch. Any future money spent on Lafferty will have to come from a source other than the City's general fund." Voted in favor of 2001 resolution to seek Open Space District funding for Lafferty, and to certify EIR.


Running for Petaluma City Council (each voter may choose up to three)

Candidate Response to Argus Courier question, "What should the city do abouut Lafferty Ranch?" Public Actions
Janice Cader-Thompson (incumbent) "The city council needs to have an open discussion on Lafferty and work with Assemblyman Joe Nation, our Supervisors and State Parks to make sure that this Jewel is open to the public." Long history of support for Lafferty before and during her council term. Voted in favor of 2001 resolution to seek Open Space District funding for Lafferty, and to certify EIR. Has participated in FLP events such as Walks to the Park.
Keith Canevaro "If we want more parks and playing fields- there are ways to make it work! That means at least for the time being dropping Lafferty from the priority list. Monies spent trying to make Lafferty work would have been better spent where they positively affect more members of the community. For example: constructing playing fields or the three community parks that have already planned are delayed due to maintenance funds not being available." No record.
Mike Harris (Did not respond to the Argus-Courier question about Lafferty.) No record.
Mike Healy (incumbent) "I continue to support opening Lafferty Ranch as a public park and then working extra hard to be a good neighbor to the other landowners on Sonoma Mountain. We need to secure outside funding to help make that happen. I spoke in support of Lafferty at the Board of Supervisors meeting at which they denied Open Space District support, and believe that the legal impediments raised by County Counsel can readily be addressed. The South County deserves a regional park offering a range of recreational opportunities, but it's not going to happen with City money. The City Council should advocate for such a regional park." Voted in favor of 2001 resolution to seek Open Space District funding for Lafferty, and to certify EIR. Has actively worked for county and state assistance in opening Lafferty.
Matt Maguire (incumbent) "The county Open Space District is another possible source, although they have shown a proclivity to be politically influenced, particularly where Lafferty is concerned. We have been working with them on other park opportunities (McNear Peninsula and the treatment plant wetlands) and I hope that is the start of a more equitable relationship, as South County has contributed tens of millions of dollars to the District, with no publicly accessible land to show for it. We have not gotten our fair share return on our tax monies and it's time we did.

"Lafferty represents our best possibility for a large regional park in our area, and the Council should continue to pursue its opening as best possible without running up any further expenses. As it is entangled in legalities, it makes it harder to pursue grants or OSD funds, but they should be pursued anyway."

Long history of support for Lafferty before and during his two council terms, since around 1992. Voted in favor of 2001 resolution to seek Open Space District funding for Lafferty, and to certify EIR. Has actively worked for county and state assistance in opening Lafferty. Has participated in FLP events such as Walks to the Park.
Cindy Thomas "Our city should continue to seek solutions for removing the barriers that prevent access to Lafferty Park. I believe that full public access to our parks is important. I'm pleased that Assemblyman Joe Nation has recently made public comments about looking for access alternatives. I like his idea of looking at the possibility of access from the east side of the mountain." (see note 1) No record.

Note 1: Having attended the two public events where Joe Nation made these comments in September 2002, I understood him to say he would seek additional, not exclusive, access to Lafferty Park from the east side.
- Larry Modell